Interested in working together? Send me an email! Whether you’re looking for a quick way to get your staff access to the tech tools they need, or you’re getting ready to embark on a leadership transition, I’m happy to connect to talk about your needs and how I might be able to help.
I’m always happy to talk through a possible project, and it’s important to make sure we’re a good fit for working together. If I’m not the right person to help, I can help you find the person who is! Below I’ve listed some of my top areas of interest and expertise. If you have a question or an idea for a project, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Interim Leadership
- Orgs hiring an ED for the first time
- Orgs seeking their first post-founder ED
- Transition from a long-time ED who is retiring
- Covering family or medical leave or sabbatical
Audio Storytelling & Podcasting
- Audio writing, editing, voice coaching
- Podcast strategy and initial setup
- Podcast production and management
- Organizational Storytelling
Technology & Systems
- WordPress, other web CMSs
- Fundraising CRMs including Little Green Light, Salesforce, Network for Good, and others
- Database management and practices, donor tracking
- Project management software; Microsoft and Google software for nonprofits
Nonprofit Startup & Business Admin
- Applying for a 501c3
- Corporate Formation; State and federal compliance
- Fiscal Sponsorship – seeking a sponsor or managing sponsored projects
- Budgeting & finance
- Forecasting
Boards & Governance
- Board-staff retreat facilitation
- Board admin, relationships, onboarding
- Board training & onboarding
Organizational Development
- Developing mission, vision, values
- Staff roles & planning
- Executive coaching
- Policy development
Interested in working together? Send me an email!